Jan Goris
Stained Glass & Oil paintings
Oil paintings and stained glass are two most important ways to express my love for life and creativity.
Colors and movements mingle with the pleasure of free interpretation, like in an imaginary journey.
My works bears witness to a lyrical, contemplative and ethereal abstraction in which sometimes I incorporate figurative elements, like birds, animals, figures.
That is where we can meet, you and me, with an open heart.
Jan Goris

My Story
To create is to love and let adventure come to you.
Stained Glass
The Belgian state officially recognised us as authentic craftsmen, developing a certain know-how focused on quality, tradition, creation and innovation. We are recognized means that we are officially included in the register of Belgian craftsmen and that we can use the corresponding logo.

How to order Stained Glass?
Latest & Available works
And what about the last paintings that we’ve just finished? Well, you can find them here, with their measures, together with all the available paintings that we have at home. Why not make your choice and contact us?
Through meetings and exhibitions
in Belgium, France, England, Norway, Italy, Poland, Luxembourg, Peru, Jan Goris style has become both personal and eclectic.
Oil paintings and stained glass are capturing emotions of life bringing joy and discovery of unknown. Colors and light play an important role in the work of Jan Goris. Blue, red, yellow and green respond harmoniously, filling room with natural light. Stained glass and oil paintings of Jan Goris are singing the same song and sharing the same message of beauty, love and continuous joy of existence.
Where we can meet

Exhibitions are the best place to see the newest creations for the first time and to have a broader view of what is available. It's an easy way to meet and enter my universe. And passing by, walking around quietly, having a nice conversation is a joyful moment for all of us!

Our house is open to you when we are at home, in Jauche. Better call us first for a visit of my studio (0032489583466). I'll be pleased to show you around. Prices should not be an obstacle. Everything is possible when I see that you love one of my paintings or stained glass.

On this international platform you can find my available paintings with some comments and prices. These prices are much higher than in my studio, because they include the delivery and a commission for Saatchi Art. This site is a good option for international clients who want to receive paintings with no risk.

On my website you'll find a "Let's chat" button. I will be happy to get a message from you! Greetings, questions, comments, appointments... Do not hesitate. This is an easy and fast way to get in touch with me.
Latests Works
What's On

Latest Paintings
These oil paintings are my two latest works, commissioned by private customers. Two different styles. A Porsche 911 and cartoon heroes in a speedy rainy atmosphere.
And two ballet dancers, full of lively colours to animate their performances.
Coming Exhibition
Art Pero Gallery
3-26 Octobre 2025
Galerie d’Art “Art Pero”
12 rue Haute
5332 – Crupet/Namur
Ouvert les jours fériés et sur RDV.
+32(0) 486 134659
Explore Women Only Art Exhibition: https://koisartistaward.com/women-only-virtual-art-exhibition-2/
Great News!
We are thrilled to share that Ema does not only work with glass. She has been engaged in artistic photography for many years and currently one of her works won 5th place in the international Women Only Art Competition. We are happy to celebrate this and invite you to visit the virtual exhibition organised by Blue Koi Gallery.