Stained Glass window project for Nida cultural centre in Lithuania

12 doors  mark the entrance of the beautiful and  modern new Cultural Center of Nida, being built for the moment near the Baltic sea in Lituania. Above these 12 high doors, 12 empty windows…14 meters long…Well, these windows are empty for the moment. But not for long anymore.

 Ema and I have been working on a on paper painted project to be realised in stained glass windows, and to be placed above the entrance doors.

Probably our job for the coming autumn months will be to realise 48 stained-glasses, to cover these 14 meters long entrance. What an adventure it will be!

 Part of it can be done at home, in Belgium. Then, most of its lead work, soldering, fixing,  will be done in Nida, open to school children, and to the general public.

The general theme will be the beauty, the history and traditions  of the Neringa peninsula. What a magnificent colourful scenery it will be!!

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