Church of Sainte-Alix, Brussels
Ten tryptics to travel through the Old Testament, the psalms and Jesus’ message of peace, justice, love and trust. From the resurrection to the apocalypse of John, and from Franciscus of Assisi to the future times.
Rocks and ice merge in this rainbow universe, where Joy, Humility and Love are the keys to Happiness.
Adress: 1150 Woluwé-Saint-Pierre, Parvis Sainte-Alix
Church of Notre-Dame de l'Annonciation

23 windows, like a crown for Mary in her church.
When you get in her church, She’s welcoming you in the choir, standing straight, looking at you.
Then, entering the sacred place, looking upwards, stained glass windows appear, like suns of colors.
You see little fetus Jesus in Maria’s belly on the left. And on the right an angel and Maria’s father in the desert…
Further on, parts of Maria’s life, like the Canaans wine, the flee to Egypt, Maria meeting Elizabeth,….
Young Jesus lost in the crowd, his mother looking for him.
… Young and proud Mary with long red hair speaking to rabbis and doctors of law.
Maria at the foot of the cross, and the meeting with the angel. Annunciation.
Announciation and Assumption…
And when she falls asleep forever…

Private houses
Home sweet home
The old front door is singing
The bathroom wall is swinging
There’s no place like home

Schools § Chapels

My mayor has decided to preserve and renovate the numerous chapels of our village.
In Watermael-Boitsfort, a director decided to make his school more attractive.
Our goal is to make life more beautiful.

In this year 2022, Joran Pollet and myself won a first prize, consisting in creating a work of art in one of the most beautiful villages of Wallonia in Thon-Samson. Joran created the metal frame and supervised the placement on the wall. Ema and me created the stained glass, the mirrors in the back.
Public Spaces

The Dance of Water – Dance of Life
Let’s adorn the magnificent stone wall of this old village of Wallonia with the black metal of our forges of yesteryear. Adorn it near the church with stained glass in the colors of the sky and the water.
Let’s give it all a shape, like the one starting from the shadow of the branches of the hundred-year-old lime tree, like that of the river Samson and the tops of our hills and valleys.
Start of a journey, of a Dance. The dance of Life. Joy, peace and encounters. Contrasts, emulation, speed, difficulties overcome.
Gratitude for the beauty of our regions and for the richness of the path accomplished and the encounters experienced and still to be experienced.

Where Heaven and Earth find each other again,
Where buried memories and hope meet,
When present arises, and pushes women and men towards each other,
Light is projecting its shadows, its passionate desires,
its fascinating stories, its colours, its truth in this world.
Rocks and ice merge in this rainbow universe,
where Joy, Humility and Love are the keys to Happiness.